
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Play date: September 22 from 9-11 am

See these swings?

The only thing missing from them is you! ;)

Please plan to join us on Thursday, September 22 from 9-11 am for our first MOPS play date of the year.

We'll be providing crackers and juice for those who like them, but you'll have to bring your own coffee.

Also, this is a flexible time, so if you have a napping baby, just come when he or she wakes up. Or, if you need to leave early, everyone understands.

Sertoma Park is located at 11th Avenue South/30th Street. If you need directions, please call or text me: 719.641.0267

* If the weather is not cooperative, we'll be in touch with Plan B. Praying for sunshine! ;)