
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Calendar

Sunday, December 2 - Mom's Night Out

7:30-9:30pm @ Danna Jones' House (719 Barley Ct, GF)
Cookie Exchange


Tuesday, December 4 - Play date 

9:00-10:00am @ Santa's Village (Lincoln Golf Course Clubhouse)
Create crafts, play games, read a book with the elves or Mrs. Claus, listen to cheerful holiday music, drink some cocoa and have a cookie, too. There is just so very much to do! Oh, and don't forget the beautiful trees. See over thirty adorned trees, each one in a different theme!
ADMISSION: Please bring a non-perishable food item, new toy or cash donation per person. All proceeds will be donated to the local food shelf, toys for tots and those who need it most in our community.


Wednesday, December 5 - Splashers play date 

10:00am-1:00pm @ Canad Inn Water Park
Now that winter is upon us, this is a great opportunity to get the kids out of the house to burn some energy!! Please come and bring husbands and friends if you would like. Hours are 9am-1pm, but you can come and go whenever you want. MOPS will have two cabanas reserved, and the concession stand will be open after 11am. You must mention that you are part of the MOPS group to receive the DISCOUNT PRICE of $6/person for ages 4 and up (children under 4 are free!).


Thursday, December 13 - MOPS Meeting

 @ Faith Evangelical Free Church (1400 24th Ave S)
9:00-11:00am (registration starts at 8:45am)
Topic ~ High Dive: Resolving to Take the Leap
As we head into holiday and resolution season, we're going to get a jump start! Five moms from our group will be sharing short stories & tips for making meaningful and lasting resolution for 2013!

*Brunch & childcare provided! 

Thursday, December 27 - Splashers play date 

10:00am-1:00pm @ Canad Inn Water Park
Come and go whenever you want/need. MOPS will have two cabanas reserved, and the concession stand will be open after 11am. You must mention that you are part of the MOPS group to receive the DISCOUNT PRICE of $6/person for ages 4 and up (children under 4 are free!).